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An evening at the prestigious Royal Overseas League Club starting with a pre-drinks reception in the Princess Alexandra Hall followed by a seated 3-course dinner with wine in the Hall of India THURSDAY 18 MAY, 2023 – 6, PARK PLACE, ST JAMES’S, LONDON SW1A 1LR Please apply for your quiz team place by emailing

AFPA Trust Christmas Drinks Networking & Charity Event

Home House 20 Portman Square, London

AFPA Trust is proud to announce the party of the year for the Asset Finance and Leasing industry's finest. We expect this event to sell out. Please book your tickets below as soon as possible.

£50.00 – £75.00

The AFPA Trust Big Quiz

The Royal Over-Seas League 6, Park Place, London

Following a fantastic inaugural event in 2023, this year’s quiz promises another night of “friendly” competition, delicious food, and the chance to win a significant donation for your chosen charity. please contact Robert Taylor or Aysha Ellis-Aziz to discuss the remaining sponsorship packages.

AFPA Trust Summer Drinks Members Networking Event

Home House 20, Portman Street, LONDON

A relaxed and informal networking event where you can catch up with and meet like-minded people related to the asset finance and leasing industry. Tickets are now on sale.

£60.00 – £85.00

AFPA Trust Big Clays Event

Clays 55 Moorgate, London

An amazing evening with your Asset Fiance & Leasing colleagues for a digital clay shooting experience to win your favourite charity prizes between £1,000 and £5,000* (*excludes winning bonuses for AFPA Trust Charity Partners). £150 per Individual or £600 for a team of four tickets which includes clays participation and your food and drink AFPA [...]

£150.00 – £600.00

AFPA Trust Christmas Drinks Members Networking Event

Langan's Private Members Club Stratton Street, Mayfair, London

A relaxed and informal networking event where you can catch up with and meet like-minded people related to the asset finance and leasing industry. Tickets are now on sale.
